Hogwarts District Camp

The Baw Baw District Joeys got together for the amazing Hogwarts District Camp at Caringal, with Leaders playing the roles of Professor Quirrel, Professor Snape, Professor McGonagle, Professor Trelawney, Professor Sprout, Madame Hooch and Hagrid. Our Scout Helpers Teagan, Inara, Neve and Owen were the Prefects for the Hogwarts houses, guiding the new wizards through their lessons.

Over the course of the camp, the Joeys participated in Quidditch Training, made a Philosopher’s Stone, battled dementors, made Potions, scavenged for Herbology spell ingredients, Transfigured paper into toads, and took a nighttime stroll through the Forbidden Forest. The Joeys camped in tents, many for the first time, and were all amazing wizards!